Thursday, February 3, 2011

Welcome To The Rileys

Sore throat.

I've only recently realized that my insomnia is due to somniphobia, or a fear of sleeping. Last night as I mulled over a set of lyrics I had been working on, I realized that I had been making excuse after excuse all night to keep myself from sleeping. Whether it was some studying I had failed to do, or a song I needed to listen to, the reasons just kept on coming. And by this point it was 1 a.m. and my "eyelids felt like lead garage doors", as the lovely Tegan Quin would say. Now, what are some reasons one would fear such a lovely escape as sleeping?:

-The dreams/nightmares that are inevitable with someone who has such a high wired imagination as I do
-The lack of control one has when asleep. You're unconscious, there's really a limited amount of control you have over your environment
-A distrust of one's subconscious; It is responsible for all the rash judgements and decisions you make, plus the bad habits too!

I could probably think of a lot more, and although that would help in my quest to avoid sleep I don't believe I'll be helping my situation by feeding the flames with fresh sheets of scrumptious notebook paper.

I think of all the phases I've gone through throughout my time here on Earth, this one has proven to be the most self destructive. But then again............I have written some pretty fantastic lyrics, if I may brag. So I'm going to, just this once, go with the flow and see what else this somniphobia can do for me. Perhaps we'll become close friends, and take long strolls through snow covered Montreal in February, sharing dreams of disastrous Valentines days from our past.

Sweet dreams to all you sleepers out there!